Tuesday 19 March 2019

Race track creations!

A highlight for us has been making race tracks. Our challenge was to create the longest race track. We got given a cardboard box, scissors and cellotape the rest was up to us. It was our creation!!

We had so much creating these race tracks it allowed us to use our;
 Creative thinking- how are we going to make the longest track?
Participate- work with others to create and put together.
Relate to others- Listen to others opinions, share our ideas

Sterling, Aeshal, Izabella

Vaioleti, Adam, Te Awhi
Sierah- Jaye, Adonai, Zyrius

As you can see from our pictures some of us had different ideas others had similar. After the hard work creating these race tracks we tested cars on them "brmmmm brrmmmmmm"
 We hope you enjoyed our Race track blog. Feel free to leave us a message, we love hearing from our whanau. 

Enjoy your week!

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